Nail pops are bumps or crescent shaped cracks in walls or ceilings. During the drying out process nails can sometimes work themselves loose, literally ‘popping out’ from the surface. This is quite normal so there’s no need to worry. We will happily deal with any nail pops that exceed the standards laid down by the NHBC guidelines (which can be found on the NHBC website). Speak to your Site Manager or contact our Customer Care team on
If you’re having difficulty opening or closing doors in your home, our Customer Care team can offer assistance.
This is usually in the kitchen under the sink. However, if you can’t find your stop tap please ask your Site Manager or Sales Advisor.
For example the Mastic seals around the bath needs periodically replacing. These minor issues can be easily fixed with solutions and advice from any good DIY store. If however you think the issue needs our attention you can contact our Customer Care team who’ll be happy to help.
It's important you completed your warranty documents for each appliance and returned to the relevant manufacturer for the warranty to be valid.
Bricks, plaster, wood, and concrete - they all contain various amounts of water, which will dry out at different rates depending on many factors. Having good air circulation is very helpful in this ‘drying out’ stage of your new home. Keeping your window air vents open, opening windows whenever you can and keeping your sofa a little way from the wall can all help.
However if you've forgotten, you should first check the operating instructions and maintenance guidance in the manufacturer’s literature you received when moving in. If you still require help, you can contact our Customer Care team for further advice.
For information on operating your security alarm, you should first check the operating instructions in your supplier manual, or you can reference your New Home Pack for a quick guide which was given to you when you reserved. If you still require help, you can contact our Customer Care team for further advice.
Just press the ‘test button’ to ensure that they continue to work properly. Manufacturer’s instructions will give you important information and advice which should always be followed.
Like any living plant, you lawn needs water to live. At first it’s important you give your new lawn some time to settle and try to avoid treading on it for the first week or so after moving in. You should refer to your New Home Pack for the full guidance on taking care of your garden.
If access to your loft is essential, we recommend professional advice is sought first.
It’s a good idea to clean your PVCu window frames every three months with warm, soapy water or a non-abrasive cleaner. Remember to rinse well afterwards and don’t forget all your upstairs windows swivel around so that you can clean the outside, from the inside!
It’s the result of the new homes drying out process. The white deposits are natural salts coming out of the building materials. They will eventually disappear but if you want you can brush it away in the areas you can reach.
Plaster can take several months to dry out fully and as it does, it shrinks which can result in small cracks appearing. This usually happens where ceilings meet walls. This is quite normal so there’s no need to worry. More information and tips can be found in your New Home Pack that you were given at reservation. We will happily deal with any cracks that exceed the standards laid down by the NHBC guidelines (which can be found on the NHBC website). Speak to your Site Manager or contact your local Customer Care team.
You're responsible for arranging the servicing of your own boilers annually (to be done by a Gas Safe registered firm/engineer) - with the first service due 12 months after occupation (i.e. 12 months after commissioning of the system) in order to keep your boiler working efficiently and within it's Shelbourne Estates warranty.